Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
World Congress on Microbiology and Microbes, will be organized around the theme “Application and Industrialization of Microbial Techniques”
Microbes 2022 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Microbes 2022
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. We usually think of these as germs that cause diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. Prebiotics are classified as the non-digestible food ingredients that probiotics can feed off. They are used in the gut to increase populations of healthy bacteria, aid digestion and enhance the production of valuable vitamins
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring plant chemicals (phyto means plant in Greek). They provide plants with colour, odour and flavour. Once we eat them, however, research shows they can influence the chemical processes inside our bodies in helpful ways.Antimicrobial activity refers to the process of killing or inhibiting the disease causing microbes. Various antimicrobial agents are used for this purpose. Antimicrobial may be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or antiviral. They all have different modes of action by which they act to suppress the infection.
Organic acids are chemical compounds widely distributed in nature as normal constituents of plants or animal tissues. Organic acids represent a rising chemical segment in which several bioâ€based compounds such as fumaric,propionic, and itaconic acids are synthesized. Organic acids constitute a key group among the buildingâ€block chemicals that can be produced by microbial processes. Organic acids have been used for many years in the food, chemical, agriculture, and pharmaceutical industries.
Antibiotics are important medicines for treating bacterial infections in both humans and animals. Unfortunately many of the bacteria which cause these infections are becoming resistant to existing antibiotics. The more we use antibiotics, the more resistant bacteria become.
A public health microbiologist contributes to the prevention of communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis, plague, diphtheria, rabies, foodborne illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases, by observing and researching the relationships between microorganisms, diseases and public health. The Public Health and Microbiology attentiveness includes studies in microbial pathogenesis, values of public health, epidemiology, molecular genetics, virology, and environmental and industrial microbial processes.
Fermentation is the enzymatic decomposition and utililization of foodstuffs, particularly carbohydrates, by microbes. Fermentation takes place throughout the gastrointestinal tract of all animals, but the intensity of fermentation depends on microbe numbers, which are generally highest in the large bowel. Thus, the large intestine is quantitatively the most important site of fermention, except for species with forestomachs (ruminants). Further, there are major differences in the contribution of fermentation to energy production of different species. In carnivores like dogs and cats, and even in omnivores like humans, fermentation generates rather few calories, but in herbivores, fermentation is a way of life.
Environmental biotechnology may be associated with the implementation of action when one tries to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. The International Society for Environmental Biotechnology defines environmental biotechnology as "the development, use, and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly processes (green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development).
Food biotechnology is the use of technology to transform the genes of our food sources. Our food sources are animals, plants, and microorganisms. With food biotechnology, we form new species of animals and plants, for example, specifically animals and plants that we eat. The technology may not only improve the nutritional quality of staple foods, but can also decreases the need to cultivate crops on deforested land. With food biotechnology, we utilize what we know about science and genetics to improve the food we eat. By improvement, we mean either making the food cheaper to produce, longer lasting, more disease resistant, or extra nutritious.