Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
Webinar on Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, will be organized around the theme “Application and Industrialization of Microbial Techniques”
Microbiology and Biotechnology 2020 is comprised of 20 tracks and 113 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Microbiology and Biotechnology 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
A biosensor is a device that has the potential to observe a particular substance or analyte with high distinction. Examples of such analytes include glucose, lactate, glutamate and glutamine. Most of the biosensors are capable of considering the concentration of an analyte in an aqueous solution, mainly producing an electrical signal, which is considered to be proportional to the analyte’s concentration in its determining range. An enzymatic biosensor consists of an enzyme, which identifies and then works with the target analyte producing a chemical signal, a transducer, which produces a physical signal from the chemical one, and an electronic amplifier, which first determines and then amplifies the signal.
- Track 1-1Cholesterol Biosensor
- Track 1-2Glucose Oxidase Biosensor for Diabetes
- Track 1-3Thiol Biosensor
- Track 1-4Nitrite Biosensors
- Track 1-5Biomarkers for Diagnosis Diseases
- Track 1-6Implantable Glucose Biosensor
- Track 1-7Superoxide Anion Radical Biosensor
Medical Microbiology, the large subset of microbiology that is applied to medicine, is a branch of medical science concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. Medical microbiologists deal with clinical consultations on the investigation, principles of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases; the scientific development, administrative and medical direction of a clinical microbiology laboratory; the establishment and direction of infection control programs across the continuum of care; communicable disease prevention and epidemiology and related public health issues.
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. We usually think of these as germs that cause diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.
Prebiotics are classified as the non-digestible food ingredients that probiotics can feed off. They are used in the gut to increase populations of healthy bacteria, aid digestion and enhance the production of valuable vitamins.
Prebiotics and probiotics both support the body in building and maintaining a healthy colony of bacteria and other microorganisms, which supports the gut and aids digestion.
Approximately 120 companies have been identified to be involved in animal biotechnology and are profiled in the report. These are a mix of animal healthcare companies and biotechnology companies. Top companies in this area are identified and ranked. Information is given about the research activities of 11 veterinary and livestock research institutes. Important 108 collaborations in this area are shown.
- Track 4-1Biotechnology and bioprocessing
- Track 4-2Tissue culture
- Track 4-3Protein engineering
- Track 4-4Cloning, recombinant selection and expression
- Track 4-5Molecular farming
- Track 4-6Trangenics and gene therapy
- Track 4-7Forensic sciences
- Track 4-8Tools and techniques of molecular Biology
We are in the era of speed and precision. Like many other disciplines in environmental biology, aquatic microbiology tends to move forward with new rapid and cutting edge tools to study water-related microorganisms from river banks to the abyss of the oceans. These innovations help to resolve the issues with determining the risks associated with climate change, human activities as well as the interactions between species to redefine what a healthy water environment is for all living organisms sharing these environments.
- Track 5-1Aquatic Microorganisms
- Track 5-2Techniques for the Study of Aquatic Microorganisms
- Track 5-3 Distribution of Microorganisms in the Aquatic Environment
- Track 5-4The Role and Importance of Aquatic Microbial Ecosystems
- Track 5-5Productivity of Aquatic Ecosystems
- Track 5-6Biogeochemical Transformations
- Track 5-7Bacterial indication of water pollution
- Track 5-8Inorganic nitrogen assimilation in aquatic microorganisms
- Track 5-9Protozoan predation in batch and continuous culture
- Track 5-10Methods in sediment microbiology Freshwater, Wastewater, Drinking Water and Marine Microbiology
Industrial microbiology is primarily associated with the commercial exploitation of microorganisms, and involves processes and products that are of major economic, environmental and gregarious consequentiality throughout the world.
- Track 6-1Industrial Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology and Future Bioindustries includes
- Track 6-2Industrial Processes end products
- Track 6-3Bioprocess Engineering and Systems Biology
- Track 6-4Microfactories-Microbial Production of Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- Track 6-5Biosurfactants: Purification, Mass Production, Applications
- Track 6-6Biotechnologically relevant Enzymes and Proteins
- Track 6-7Fermentation and Biotransformation
- Track 6-8Quantitative Models and Bioinformatics in Microbiology
- Track 6-9Bioremediation, Biodegradation, Biofouling and Biocorrosion
- Track 6-10Application of -Omics Technologies in Microbial Fermentation
- Track 6-11Applications of Bioinformatics and Biocomputing to Microbiological Research
- Track 6-12Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste Treatment
Clinical Infections and Vaccines (CIV) will cover a range of important topics relevant to Infectious diseases and their impact on human health. The latest information on common healthcare-associated infections, such as Clostridium difficile, Pneumonia, and complicated urinary tract infections and others will be featured in this track. The science in this track works to bring together angstrom-level discovery and clinical research to reduce the burden of infectious diseases around the globe.
- Track 7-1Clinical Infections and Vaccines includes
- Track 7-2Clinical Studies of Adult Infectious Diseases, including Clinical Trials and Diseases caused by Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Prions or Parasites
- Track 7-3Infection Prevention and Control: Healthcare-associated and Surgical Infections and Clinical Epidemiology
- Track 7-4Global Health
- Track 7-5Transplant Infectious Diseases
- Track 7-6Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Track 7-7Vaccines and Immunization Science
Modern microbiology or microbial biotechnology is the application. Which is use to the procedure of microorganisms or plant and creature cells to make valuable items. Since from old circumstances, microorganisms have been used as Industrial biotechnology, there are colossal measure of microorganisms which are utilized for bread and cakes, protecting nourishment by pickling, brew and wine making. The present day aging innovation ventures that became out of these practices. Which produces "characteristic items" to be utilized as medications, biodegradable plastics, solvents and other modern chemicals and furnish us with amino acids, vitamins.
- Track 8-1Pharmaceutical microbiology
- Track 8-2Flora in Soil & Water Microbiology
- Track 8-3Vaccines & Anti-Microbial
- Track 8-4Current Trends in Microbiology
- Track 8-5Antibiotic Resistance
- Track 8-6Viral Infections
Food biotechnology is the use of technology to transform the genes of our food sources. Our food sources are animals, plants, and microorganisms. With food biotechnology, we form new species of animals and plants, for example, specifically animals and plants that we eat. The technology may not only improve the nutritional quality of staple foods, but can also decreases the need to cultivate crops on deforested land. With food biotechnology, we utilize what we know about science and genetics to improve the food we eat. By improvement, we mean either making the food cheaper to produce, longer lasting, more disease resistant, or extra nutritious.
- Track 9-1Food Additives
- Track 9-2Dairy technology
- Track 9-3Food Processing and Preservation
- Track 9-4Fermentation
- Track 9-5Food Quality Standards
- Track 9-6Food Microbiology
- Track 9-7Food Packaging
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring plant chemicals (phyto means plant in Greek). They provide plants with colour, odour and flavour. Once we eat them, however, research shows they can influence the chemical processes inside our bodies in helpful ways.
Antimicrobial activity refers to the process of killing or inhibiting the disease causing microbes. Various antimicrobial agents are used for this purpose. Antimicrobial may be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or antiviral. They all have different modes of action by which they act to suppress the infection.
- Track 10-1Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance: Molecular Typing, Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology
- Track 10-2Antimicrobial Agents: Mechanisms of Action and Mechanisms of Resistance
- Track 10-3Antifungal Agents and Resistance
- Track 10-4Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and General Pharmacology
- Track 10-5Antimicrobial Stewardship, including Quality of Care
- Track 10-6Antiviral Agents (including HIV Drugs) and Resistance
- Track 10-7Experimental Therapeutics
- Track 10-8New Antimicrobial Agents (Pre-US IND or Prior to the Start of Clinical Therapeutic Studies/pre-Phase 2) and New Research Technologies
- Track 10-9Pharmacological Studies of Antimicrobial Agents Pre-NDA (Phase 2/3)
Genome editing and the utilization of CRISPR primarily based technologies are expected to revolutionize the assembly of the next generation of bioproducts. DCB12 can focus on the most recent developments within the use of CRISPR/Cas9 and alternative CRISPR primarily based technologies in reference to the development and production of biopharmaceuticals, biochemicals, agricultural crops, and travel applications.
Environmental biotechnology may be associated with the implementation of action when one tries to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. The International Society for Environmental Biotechnology defines environmental biotechnology as "the development, use, and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly processes (green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development).
Fermentation is the enzymatic decomposition and utililization of foodstuffs, particularly carbohydrates, by microbes. Fermentation takes place throughout the gastrointestinal tract of all animals, but the intensity of fermentation depends on microbe numbers, which are generally highest in the large bowel. Thus, the large intestine is quantitatively the most important site of fermention, except for species with forestomachs (ruminants). Further, there are major differences in the contribution of fermentation to energy production of different species. In carnivores like dogs and cats, and even in omnivores like humans, fermentation generates rather few calories, but in herbivores, fermentation is a way of life.
Microbial physiology: The study of how the microbial cell functions biochemically. Includes the study of microbial growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure.
<p justify;\"="" style="text-align: justify;">The pathogenesis of a disease is the biological mechanism (or mechanisms) progress of disease showing its morphological features or that leads to the diseased state. The term can also describe the origin and development of the disease, and whether it is acute, chronic, or recurrent. The word comes from the Greek pathos ("suffering", "disease") and genesis ("creation").
- Track 14-1Molecular Biology and Physiology of Biofilms
- Track 14-2Virus Assembly Mechanisms
- Track 14-3Computational Genomics, Databases and Modeling
- Track 14-4Enzyme Mechanisms
- Track 14-5Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- Track 14-6Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
- Track 14-7Genome Dynamics and Horizontal Gene Transfer
- Track 14-8Growth and Development of Microbial Cells
- Track 14-9Metabolic Networks and Microbial Physiology
- Track 14-10Assembly and Structure of Complexes
- Track 14-11Motility Mechanisms
- Track 14-12New Genetic and Genomic Tools
- Track 14-13Phage Biology and Genomics
- Track 14-14Replication/Repair/Recombination
- Track 14-15Protein Secretion and Surface Localization
- Track 14-16Stress and Stimulus Response Mechanisms
- Track 14-17Structural Biology
A public health microbiologist contributes to the prevention of communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis, plague, diphtheria, rabies, foodborne illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases, by observing and researching the relationships between microorganisms, diseases and public health. The Public Health and Microbiology attentiveness includes studies in microbial pathogenesis, values of public health, epidemiology, molecular genetics, virology, and environmental and industrial microbial processes. Community Health Microbiology delivers professional scientific knowledge and laboratory examination for notifiable bacterial pathogens and bacterially/toxin-mediated outbreaks.
- Track 15-1Administering the Clinical/Public Health Microbiology Laboratory
- Track 15-2Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
- Track 15-3Diagnostic Bacteriology, Diagnostic Mycobacteriology, Diagnostic Mycology, Diagnostic Parasitology, Diagnostic Virology
- Track 15-4Diagnostic Immunology
- Track 15-5Diagnostic Public Health Microbiology
- Track 15-6Diagnostic Veterinary Microbiology
- Track 15-7Laboratory Safety, Security, and Biodefense
- Track 15-8Molecular Diagnostic Microbiology
- Track 15-9Laboratory Informatics Practical Tools for Bench Technologists
Antibiotics are important medicines for treating bacterial infections in both humans and animals. Unfortunately many of the bacteria which cause these infections are becoming resistant to existing antibiotics. The more we use antibiotics, the more resistant bacteria become.
Biodegradation is the transformation of a substance into new compounds through biochemical reactions or the actions of microorganisms such as bacteria or, alternatively, biodegradation is the process by which microbial organisms transform or alter (through metabolic or enzymatic action) the structure of chemicals introduced into the environment.
Bioremediation technologies utilize naturally occurring microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and yeast, to degrade hazardous substances into non-toxic or less toxic substances. There are several advantages of using bioremediation processes compared with other remediation technologies: (1) biologically-based remediation detoxifies hazardous substances instead of merely transferring contaminants from one environmental medium to another; (2) bioremediation is generally less disruptive to the environment than excavation-based processes; and (3) the cost of treating a hazardous waste site using bioremediation technologies can be considerably lower than that for conventional treatment methods.
- Track 17-1Bio-deterioration and biodegradation of wood and polymeric materials
- Track 17-2Bacterial bioremediation
- Track 17-3Microbiologically influenced corrosion
- Track 17-4Biodiversity of organisms involved in biodeterioration
- Track 17-5Bioremediation in environmental protection
Organic acids are chemical compounds widely distributed in nature as normal constituents of plants or animal tissues. Organic acids represent a rising chemical segment in which several bioâ€based compounds such as fumaric, propionic, and itaconic acids are synthesized. Organic acids constitute a key group among the buildingâ€block chemicals that can be produced by microbial processes. Organic acids have been used for many years in the food, chemical, agriculture, and pharmaceutical industries. The chemical industries use organic acids as basic compounds for a wide variety of polymer and solvent production processes. Organic acids differ on the basis of the involvement of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen elements. Major types of organic acid produced by microbial activity are citric acid, succinic acid, lactic acid, itaconic acid, lactobionic acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid, propionic acid, and acetic acid.
In agricultural education and research, the study of agricultural microbiology has undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades, leading to today’s scientific farming that is a backbone of economy all over the globe. Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and the Environment fills the need for a comprehensive volume on recent advances and innovations in microbiology.
- Track 19-1Microbiology of Food, including Spoilage, Fermentation and Probiotics
- Track 19-2Foodborne Pathogens: Microbiology and Molecular Biology
- Track 19-3Microorganisms and Mobilization of Nutrients for Plant Growth
- Track 19-4Management of Pathogens, Pests and Weeds through Microorganisms
- Track 19-5New Strategies in Bioconversion
- Track 19-6Microbiology of Agricultural Systems
Pharmaceutical Microbiology is an applied branch of Microbiology. It involves the study of Microorganisms associated with the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Other aspects of Pharmaceutical Microbiology include the research and development of anti-infective agents, the use of microorganisms to detect mutagenic and carcinogenic activity in prospective drugs, and the use of microorganisms in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products like insulin and human growth hormone.
- Track 20-1Microbial Ecology and Next Gen Sequencing
- Track 20-2Drug discovery, Development and Molecular biology
- Track 20-3Additional Applications of Microorganisms in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Track 20-4Pharmaceutical Microbiology includes
- Track 20-5Microbial Ecology and Next Gen Sequencing
- Track 20-6Drug discovery, Development and Molecular biology
- Track 20-7Additional Applications of Microorganisms in the Pharmaceutical Sciences